Weigh-in, Week ?

27 Aug

It’s been a long time since I posted about my weight loss efforts (or anything else of substance, for that matter). I’m still plugging away, though not with the same gusto I once was.

That has to change.

Convinced I gained, I was pleasantly surprised to be 1.4 pounds down this week. This puts me 1.2 pounds away from re-achieving my 10 percent weight loss goal.

Once I do that, I plan to pretend as if I’m starting Weight Watchers from scratch. The plan will then be to lose 5 percent, and then 10 percent, of my current weight.

Here are my updated tickers with today’s weight.

10 percent:


Today’s meeting was extremely motivational, the next step is to carry it over into the real world.

I know I can do it.

I’ve already done it, it’s just reminding my brain of that fact.


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